Sunday, June 9, 2013

So this is normal...

We bought a house a little over a month ago, and by the grace of God, cupcake orders have been very light. Otherwise, I would have gotten nothing done and gone crazy at the same time.
With this new found free time, I've been able to do things that I haven't had time to do in so long. Like clean...a room other than the kitchen that is.   This weekend I was especially free to be, what I discovered I missed A LOT, a "normal" mom/wife. Now clearly that is a blanket statement, but you know what I mean. In a life of cupcakes and cookies, ideas, decorations and flavor combinations, I took great pleasure in doing a load of laundry. I love my cupcake life, but I throughly enjoyed having time to hang my family pictures and put together a night table, and change my sheets and read to my kid. I miss these moments.
Hats off to all of the "normal" moms, and to the momtreprenures as well.

1 comment:

  1. Momma's work is never's they joy of our life's.
