1. These gray wool flannel wedges… OMG where’s my pencil skirt and my opaque tights LOVE!!! American Eagle $70
Modcloth.com $29.99
I don’t know if anyone else has noticed, but I haven’t been blogging much lately. I have been busy, but that’s not why. When I first started this blog it was kind of a tool for me to get out all of the cupcake fantasies I was having while I figured out what I wanted to do with them. Now that I’ve gotten some ground under my feet in that sense, I use it as a platform to share my work and to be inspired by other’s in the blogosphere. When I do something new or fancy or that I’ve never posted before I’m excited to blog and I have lots to say. When I’m just crankin’ out the fabulous everyday cupcakes that you’ve seen before, I’m not as inclined to share. But then how do I feed my writing spirit?
So, today I decided that my blog will no longer just exhibit my cupcakey talents. I am a complexly creative person. I have multiple creative personalities if you will. So with that said you will begin to see posts from my crafty side, more from my fashiony side and maybe even my foodie side. And dun dun dun… if I’m feeling especially confident I may even share some of my creative writing. I love all of these things, but I am most protective of my writing. Sharing it makes me nervous, but maybe one day I’ll feel moved to do so. So now that I realized that the topic of cupcakes was restricting my writing you should hear much more from me. I’m so excited; it makes me want a blog makeover! Hmmm…