Monday, March 28, 2011

I'm just squirrel trying to get a... cupcake...

With the onslaught of animated movies like "Over the Hedge" and "Open Season" that personify animals, and give them a sort of secret life, I wanted to join the rankings with this post. I was determined that I would script the video that you are about to view, and add voice over to create a hilarious commercial for Babycakes Couture Sweets. Alas, I don't have the time nor the energy to sit here an figure out how the heck to do it. The video is pretty cute and funny on it's own, so I'll share it anyway.
Sometimes I have leftover cupcakes for orders that I've filled, more often than not I will take the leftovers in to the day job and give them away. Sometimes I forget and as the members of my household are all cupcaked out, for the most part, they end up going in the trash. Yes, sadly there are times that I throw cupcakes in the trash. Well this particular time I had thrown two Blonde Bombshells in the trash and taken the bag out side. A few days later I just happened to look out on the deck to find a shred of a cupcake liner. "Those dang squirrels!" I thought. My back deck must be some type of squirrel hang out or something. They are all ways out there terrorizing my poor cat from the window and doing their business on my grill cover. They are evil I tell ya! Anyway, I realized what must have happened, a squirrel had gone in my trash and swiped one of the cupcakes. I knew that there was another, so I vowed that I would catch those little thieving menaces in the act and the next day that's exactly what I did. I had no idea it would be so funny. Now that I'm typing this, I really wish I had figured out the voice over thing so it would be really cute.
Maybe I still will...

Please don't mind the background conversation about the video. I was on the telephone explaining what was going on and my girls were talking and laughing as well.

Friday, March 25, 2011

DC Cupcakes...

So, I took a break tonight to spend some time or my seriously neglected hair. While I sat with my henna gloss deep treat on I indulged in some lady TV. After back to back episopdes of "Say Yes to the Dress", "DC Cupcakes" came on. I was in heaven! That is until I realized how phony they seem to "act", and I use the term loosely. I don't know if it's me, which it could absolutely be at this time of the month, hint hint. I don't remember it being like that last season, but for some reason now it seems totally scripted. Has anyone else noticed this?